Rebooting IP cameras remotely


Complete Hikvision API documentation is available here.

To reboot remotely a Hikvision IP camera, all one needs to do is ‘PUT’ /System/reboot:

curl -X PUT --user {USERNAME}:{PASSWORD} http://{CAMERA_IP}/System/reboot


Complete Dahua API documentation is available here.

To reboot remotely a Hikvision IP camera, all one needs to do is 'GET' /cgi-bin/magicBox.cgi?action=reboot:

curl --user {USERNAME}:{PASSWORD} http://{CAMERA_IP}/cgi-bin/magicBox.cgi?action=reboot

6 thoughts on “Rebooting IP cameras remotely”

    1. I haven’t looked into it, but most likely yes, as they changed a lot of things in new firmware.

  1. Thank you, Sergei, for providing the curl command to reboot a Hikvision camera! Worked perfectly and was able to bring a client’s camera back online from half a continent away.

  2. curl –digest –http1.1 -X PUT –user username:password http://{camera-ip}/System/reboot

    This is how to reboot a hikvision camera.
    Note that you either have to be admin or create a user just for rebooting the camera. Make the new user an “operator”.
    For it to work the new user/operator has to have rights to 3 remote settings 1.Remote: Parameters Settings 2.Remote: Log Search/Interrogate Working 3.Remote: Shutdown/Reboot
    You can do this under “modify user”

    1. On a DS-7216HGHI-F2, the following works from Windows:

      curl –digest –http1.1 -X PUT –user username:password “http://{camera-ip}/ISAPI/System/reboot”

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